Tuesday, March 2, 2010

journey with a lost malaccan

Chinese New Year has come and gone but one of the things that brightens this year's celebration is that I did manage to spend some time of it with him. Aww, he's ever so adorable or maybe it's just me thinking *thinks, yeah it's probably just me* but yeah it was an exciting episode of our life or so he seemed to put it into words that describe S-C-A-R-Y! In another words it's like being a fish in a tank, constantly being watch and running out of oxygen. Knowing in mind that I'm a certified 'sesat Malaccan', gosh I'm bad, we somehow spend our days with food, movies, laughter, quality time and well must I write everything down? =D

chicken rice balls- the balls eventually became the joke of the day


homemade chillies yummy!

we went for satay celup since he haven't had it for years

And now *rubs hands together* I feel so tempted to post a few videos that was taken during his visits but *looks around* I guess I better not... I'll be hunted down for sure.. =D
*hugs and kisses*



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